Kristen's Spin Class

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Roslyn and Kristen Gold Letters

As I trekked to Roslyn today and got out of my car I took in the essence of the day the Almighty arranged. Most times I don’t even stop for a breath of it. Today however I felt the cool of spring nestled by the subtle signs of summer like it’s direct sunlight’s warmth. 

The same frenzy of KSC does not reside in Roslyn yet  (thank God) and as I arrived an hour before the class, no one was online for the “10 Most Wanted”. The receptionist a strikingly attractive middle-aged woman greeted me and as I explained the ceremony in Woodbury she said something to the effect that why do they all want to get into Kristen’s class when so many spin classes are not full?  To the uninitiated I could see her point.  I sometimes take it for granted that it’s not the class it’s the instructor and everyone given the same ingredients can’t necessarily bake a cake.

 I realize the talented like Kristen take their gift and minimize it because they don’t feel comfortable brandishing what others ostensibly lack.  We tend not to see the italics in our own personalities, which belie why we possess it in the first place.  Those that are loquacious about it only wish for it.  


  1. That sutff- awesome writing- just flies right out of your head and through your hand, doesn't it though.....God are you gifted

  2. I am blessed and I love to write. Thank you for your comment.
