Kristen's Spin Class

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Ball of Fire

I’ve written about her several times now and our precocious star although diminutive in stature is loaded with so much dynamite she’s level a city block.  I am still trying to put the words together that can do justice to what I am seeing. My hypothesis is that Charlotte is a sensate being. My reasoning is thus: it’s simply because she uses all her senses to reach ours. Some of us are visual some are auditory and many of the female gender are kinesthetic. She speaks to all those modalities and gets her adroit message across. She elegantly promotes herself, the gym and even the health bar. She is offering her services without any canned tomato sauce. It’s authentic as near as I can tell. 

How about the ride Jack the ride? Oh it’s really good. She’s saucy without exploiting her feminine charms (which are abundant) and she mixes in the fundamentals and has a plan. Just like KJ, Dana or Carolyn she has her lesson well orchestrated with the music to match. Not since K2 have I found myself smiling as much as I do with Charlotte Ricci. And just so you don’t think I’m hallucinating my friend Roy was using the muscles in his face cracking smile after smile. And of course as is my wont I had to take the temperature of some of the boys in the locker room and the compliments were flying. She’s cute, she’s got energy and she’s different. The last accolade she probably will appreciate the most. 

She’s what I will refer to her now as: Ball of Fire. She has an eternal flame quality about her and when she’s off the bike she’s shaking her physiology, imitating the pedal stroke and working the room like a professional beyond her years.  

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Say Goodbye

It’s that day again Saturday. The only way I can for the foreseeable future is to start my favorite day in the Lavender Palace with Kristen James and 54 of my friends. KJ says she loves all of us in different ways and I thought that was particularly poignant because we really do. Love is a strong word but when you spend day after day and year after year love just happens. It’s a beautiful thing. 

Okay so let’s speak plainly in the vernacular WTF is this thing about hitting 30 mph? I was silently bitching about this ever since I heard it being bandied about a few weeks ago. First off let me say that hitting 30 is just not possible standing up for this sexagenarian. I didn’t say I can’t do it but right now it’s just outside of my breathless zone. However today I hit 31.6 sitting down so I guess I exploded one self-induced myth and I gotta tell you it was exhilarating. And leave it to the Evil Woman to put something in our heads and we find a way to get it done. 

I wanted to make sure that I give a big shout to one of my new young friends, Josh Goodelman. I rarely lose focus but today I was spacing out and Josh spotted it in me and coaxed me: Come on Jack! Woke me right out of it and back on track I was. Thanks Josh. 
It moved me so much that I was able to break that 30 mph barrier later in the session. Reminds me of the 4-minute mile because if you believe it you will see it. 

Thanks for an inspiring session KJ and when you were talking about saying goodbye it struck an emotional chord in me that shook me to my core. I need to say goodbye.