Kristen's Spin Class

Saturday, April 19, 2014

That Saturday Feeling

I keep saying that I have nothing left to give. There are no more stories about spin class in me. I was talking to Nancy Kaplan while she was coloring some Easter Eggs this morning and she agreed it was time for a rest.  After 800 plus entries: Enough Jack! Every TV show has a final episode. It’s been fun for me. My harshest critic says why don’t you write some serious stuff instead of you kissing ass? I still don’t think I “kiss ass” because what do I gain from this? Sure everyone knows my name but other than that it’s my satisfaction that I put words in a sentence together better than many a scribbler. And that I touch people emotionally and have made many friends that I would never have made had it not been for the words I lay to these keys. Writing lets people know who I am and they can see inside my soul. It’s truly a gift. 

 I feel compelled however   that the new lot of stars like Charlotte Ricci, Dawn Moore Jen Tsiolis would secretly love for me to continue these silly chronicles not just because they like reading about themselves but rather a knowing that if I see their talent then the membership will too. After all we never talk about how many bikes are taken in class but you know these instructors know! It’s a measure of success for them. Don’t think for one moment that the Queen the Evil Woman doesn’t adore the fact that her class sells out in a nanosecond. I hear the whispers between instructors how one is   getting better numbers or she’s not hitting her mark. It’s a talent show after all. They are on stage even before the music starts. 

Today and I know KJ I say this all the time this morning was the hardest class I have ever been in. When you were asking us to hit 30 mph on the monitor I said: AYFKM? And then to be embarrassed when you came over to look at my monitor and as you moved the towel hiding my numbers it revealed I was only in the mid 20s. 

You are the only instructor I will keep my mouth shut for but truth be told I’m sucking wind so badly I couldn’t get a word out anyway. I can always try pantomime. Right Robert?