Kristen's Spin Class

Wednesday, November 11, 2015


Believer it or not it's happening here too!

I’ve written about her before but this morning she took it to another level.  I thought as I rode she could make the Queen’s team with ease. The Queen’s team? Kristen James’s cycle team! Yeah she’s that good. Did I mention she is 76 years old? For those that don’t want to do the math she was born in 1939. It’s when Gone With the Wind premiered on the Silver Screen. 

What I find so amazing about her and I just forgot I hadn’t mentioned her name it’s Beverly Pepe (you’ll find her on Facebook) is that Beverly is schooled perfectly to wit: She has clear enunciation, diction, pitch, and her fundamentals are perfect. But more than that it just amazes me that she rides like someone half her age and her discography is like iambic pentameter with music you never heard before but wish you did by artists you know but maybe either haven’t heard in a long time or never knew that they even sang. 
For example this morning she played The Pet Shop Boys and I know that sound I just know it but have I ever heard them sing “Here”? Nope never did. And it had me bellowing at the top of my voice just like I used to in the Lavender Palace. And then another selection “Here In Your Arms” by Hellogoodbye. Never heard that tune. It had me in the throes of a thunderous exhibition albeit in the seat of my antique 1995 “Spinning” contraption. 

Beverly Pepe can bring it! I just thought you should know. Here in the South there’s talent you just have to look for it and besides Jenny Little here’s another Beverly Pepe. 

Hello all you EQ members!