Kristen's Spin Class

Saturday, December 14, 2013

A Hen's Tooth

It’s been two weeks save one ride that I have been off my spin bike.  And so Friday night I took to a solo effort with my iPod and my own choice of music. I gotta tell you that it was most inspiring listening to selections that viscerally excite me.  However there’s nothing that compares to the energy that all of you give me when the Lavender Palace is filled to capacity.  Those classes are of course Kristen’s spin class where to get a number is like finding a hen’s tooth. 

To wit precisely at 6 am on Friday morning as I hit for Bike 3 (so as to save time and not dare to touch Stacy's bike 4) I got spun back to bike 28. I said WTF!  I am not used to being in the outfield. But just to be back after a hiatus was a gift IMHO.  There are very few instructors that can elicit the full power and strength our bodies are capable of than the ones at Woodbury can. I have waxed on ad nauseum about this but my passion has been reignited. Sometimes our desire wanes like it had for me but I am glad to report I am back on fire.  

So the new bikes arrive on Friday? I know it’s been a long time coming but good things are worth waiting for but to tell you the truth these dinosaurs still serve us. We might be wowed when the new ones come like finding out What’s our Watts are but until that time I am perfectly fine with the Schwinns we have.  

I have missed you all and I wish all my friends and acquaintances the very best holiday and for a fortuitous New Year.  Thank you.  
