Kristen's Spin Class

Thursday, July 15, 2010

A Sexagenarian

It was  a saturday and another treat because I had   KSC on the weekend. And as usual the class was filled to capacity just like the weekday editions, but that's not what I want to talk about today. And neither is the onset of a heavy summer rainstorm that I can enjoy as I look out Equinox's 8x6 foot windows. I think what I want to talk about today is the how compelled I feel over these past 5 ½ months. It feels like my running days of the 1970's. But back then running was my life, however  in spin there is one major difference. Spinning is part of my life and not my life. It allows me to objectify my workouts and how they can be integrated into my life instead of me trying to integrate my life into my workouts. Make sense? Maybe it's just maturity or age or 21 years of sobriety I don't know which, but I know one thing I never have enjoyed my physical life like I am right now. It has given me a new vitality in all aspects of my waking life and those around me reap the benefits and I am talking about my family and my friends. And I have got to meet some of you in KSC as well  and everyone I have met makes me smile in one way or another. 

The die has been cast as I edge inexorably closer to being a sexagenarian. Jack you can't talk about sex in Kristen's Spin Class, it's just not done!  I can remember first grade so vividly and asking the nun if I could go to the boys room and I used to reflect back then that I would be less than 50 by the time 2000 rolled around. I don't mind getting old and I must say I would not want to do it all over again. They say youth is wasted on the young, I don't want to waste middle age as an elder statesman  either. 

Recovery is a new word for this WMABM*. I never gave recovery a chance it was always about being able to log miles, it was never about being in the moment. KSC has given me a new perspective on it.  I wasn't aware of Zen back then or even some of the concepts of AA and keeping my head right size. Obsession occluded my sky and left my dreams under permanent cloud cover.

*White Middle Aged Bald Man. 


  1. I like to think that I am one of those ppl you mentioned who gets to reap the benefits of your new found vitality :)

  2. Feel free to reap the benefits because I love to share it freely.

  3. I'm shocked that you posted my comment BD !
