Kristen's Spin Class

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Knocking on the Anaerobic Door

As I eavesdrop in on two of the riders behind me a new member is asking who is the best spin instructor. Tracey  says Kristen, but  for the most part that selection is subjective because quite frankly they are all very talented.  Each has their own particular style and I love the one’s I blog about.   Let’s leave the world of opinion and venture into what today might be like.  Deliciously torturous? That became a self fulfilling prophecy today as The Evil Woman’s demeanor had the look of her avatar. There was something in her raised left eyebrow that signaled their would be no mercy and no sugar coating. There are some sessions that Kristen is just well, sweet even though she uses her sickle with liberal abandon. Not today it was succinct to the point and there was no peanut butter and jelly on this sandwich, just dry burnt toast. We just had to deal. 
As I chronicled in Tripp’s entry I felt a major breakthrough this week in his class and it has carried over in KSC, so I know it’s not just a hallucination. I can definitely breathe more regularly through my nose at least on the inhale,  which must mean I am getting more fit and my recovery between “roads” is getting faster and faster. I am also telling my grey cells to send more blood to my legs and instructing my heart to slow down between breakaways and intervals. And that self-talk seems to be working as well.  So nigh on 6 months in, the results are showing themselves albeit inexorably slow. 
Knocking on the anaerobic door was one phrase Kristen was using today  and the imagery of me actually knocking the door off the hinges and me prostate on top of it  came to my mind. I have been out of breath for almost 6 months here  but that’s because I was so out of shape by KSC standards.  But as I said this is about to change. 
Next up: Punch ‘n’ Judy. 

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