Kristen's Spin Class

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Fully Associated

Back in 1990 I first got exposed to Neuro Linguistic Programming or NLP in it's short form. One thing I learned listening to Tony Robbins, Richard Bandler and John Grinder back then was that when we became “fully associated”, we intensify the experience. And the point is spot on, because in KSC the intensity of the session leaves no room for our outside world to pierce those glass doors. So the idea that one could be disassociated in spin class was not only implausible but virtually impossible.

But let's back up a bit to talk about this week  in the CS. Kristen was reflecting on some of the members in the main room and how they were disassociated. They can be seen everyday reading, texting and watching the overhead TV's while they plow through their workout. It's as if working out is an after thought and the only reason they are there is because there are so many other things to be fully associated with. I frankly could never fathom how anyone could read a book while on a bike or an elliptical. If you were worth half your salt at least you would do nothing more than listen to your I pod for inspiration, but never be on the phone as I see some members doing or worse yet texting. Kristen was quick to point out that it was not a judgment. It is merely an observation that exercise or training is not for everyone. Some just want to avoid being a couch potato and still others do it to socialize and still others believe that they are working out. It has been an awakening for me and that's coming from a former ultra-marathoner. Spinning has me fully associated every moment until I finish that last stretch.

Kristen, I would love for you to do the long version of the 'quick and dirty', this old rubber band man could use more flexibility.

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