A Saturday spin and I was just in time. I was sure that 75 minutes would have me sitting in the first lounge chair so I could begin my story. Uh yeah, no. I wound up being 7th in the 10 most wanted. Not much margin for error in the continuous clamoring for KSC. A young woman then left the line as she kept pushing enter on her blackberry to get into this class and a cancellation came up so she was free to give her place to the next salivating spinning enthusiast.
Today marks 6 months exactly my addiction of Zen in a bottle. Although I have been exacting in my exercise regimen these past 7 1/2 years at Equinox nothing can come close to the frenetic pace I have been caught up in taking exercise with the catalytic converter that is Kristen Gagne. I have waxed poetic in over 120 odd episodes and I never seem to run out of superlatives each and every time I catch this Broadway show.
In one of the comments of a recent story an anonymous writer wrote that the prime motivation for me was the female form and most specifically the gluteus maximus. Yes I do confess to favor that part of the female anatomy and yes there are plenty of museum like derrieres here in KSC but to suggest that it is the prime motivator, is well just frankly absurd and totally uncalled for. Did I convince you? I know it was a vain attempt at best but please don’t tell anyone.
Well, my line mates have left me here to type some final entries before I catch the show and something tells me it’s gonna be a good one!
Flash! I just got propositioned to sell my seat to KSC and so a black market has developed and I am here to report the crime element here in all places, Woodbury Equinox. Paul tells me that he and his wife Janet are both on their computers fridays at 715 trying to get into Saturday’s class. It’s crazy and he told me that he had to draw the line when he saw people waiting to be on the waiting list. A phenomenon, he called it. Paul, welcome to our world.
Post Script
Kristen took me into orbit when she played Bizarre Love Triangle by New Order and I thought would she venture into that world of Punk Rock just a tad more? I hope so. Maybe she reads this blog and gets influenced just a bit.