Kristen's Spin Class

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Caveat Emptor: Let the Buyer Beware

Today someone walked out less than half way through the class and if looks could kill the young man would have been dead from the photon torpedo to the back of his head.  Kristen was visibly animated today when that transpired and when I looked to the back of the studio I found a few knowing smiles. I did that just to ease my own tension.  “Don’t do that,” she said and how could you blame her because it upset the whole rhythm of the room and it affects Kristen’s concentration.  I felt like we all hit a pothole that we were not expecting it was quite jarring. I certainly felt the shift in my focus as well. When I am spinning and I won’t answer for you I am totally present in that CS and interruptions like that are well uncalled for.  There are always exceptions don’t get me wrong everyone has their own timetable but that one was inexcusable because the excuse was and I won’t repeat it, a wimpy one.

Caveat emptor! Let the buyer be ware if you spin here you have to take the risk to be ready and give it your level best effort because there are so many looking to take our seats. 

I am not an elitist nor am I in any way anything but a beginner to spinning but simple etiquette before the class makes for exits that are shall we say less embarrassing.  All we have to do is tell our coach we have to leave early before we start and it becomes a non-event. Okay am I through with my didactic speech?  Yes!

KG slipped in 2 Tabata’s today how dare she?  They are challenging aren’t they?  And I never knew how time could be so compressed when it comes to the 10-second pullbacks and how expansive the 20-second maximum efforts are. Time stands still and then speeds by at warp 6. Reminds me of The Rocky Horror Picture Show, doing the time warp.  Speaking of time I have to say that the hour does rush by and I do feel like my metabolic rate is amped up for the rest of the day.  Oh and yes even my pinky was sweating. How did that digit get into the act? 

P.S. This is the 51st post in KSC, will I ever not have something to say? Not likely!

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