Kristen's Spin Class

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

The Sexagenarian Soliloquy

Struggling to maintain even a modicum of tenacity in KSC was a daunting task after a 2nd upper respiratory infection hit me this winter. The only thing that might help in knowing what I did to contract another debilitating flu might help me avoid a 3rd round.
And I do not want to miss any sessions with The Evil Woman now because she seems to be on a mission to educate us on creating efficiencies on reaching whatever is our particular goal. 

As I hit 60 there is only one thing I can tell those of you that are far off from this milestone: It comes so rapidly you won’t believe how fleeting youth is. Some might say age is just a number but in reality the stick is getting shorter no matter how you look at it.  By the same token as I look back I wouldn’t want a do over. I can live with the mistakes I made and the successes I did accomplish were helped markedly by staying out of my own way. In addition being sober for 21+ years changed the landscape of my life so dramatically. These are my most precious years because I was cognizant of everything in my life that was transpiring whether it was perceived to be good or not so good. Even the ‘bad’ things seem mitigated in retrospect because they never turned out as badly as they appeared in the moment. 

Just this morning I was trying to explain what ‘spin’ is to two of my friends who could just not get a grip on it. One thought that he had to watch television in order to work out and the other stared blankly at me and said: Isn’t it boring?  I recalled what Kristen had said earlier in the week about those exercising in the great hall and how she indeed felt sorry for them because they were totally disassociated from their exercise regimen.

 I never felt that way for the first 7 years here at Equinox because other than listening to music you would never find me reading or paying any attention to anything other than the workout at hand. Luckily I wandered in to the CS across the hall almost one year ago and found my new nirvana, which I thought, was lost when I stopped long distance running

Later in the hour Kristen pointed out that the body simply adjusts when you don’t shock it and if we continue to work out in the endurance zone we wind up just packing on more pounds if we keep doing what we have always done. Okay enough pontificating.  

And as I close out the first year of my rebirth into serious exercise I of course thank all the instructors and all my new friends that have made this transition so much fun. Kristen is of course the architect of my renaissance and as always I laud her professionalism and truly singular style. 

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