Kristen's Spin Class

Thursday, March 24, 2011

A View From Afar

After getting quite comfortable in #3 where Kristen never looks, I found myself of all places in the back row, where all the miscreants reside. The culprits are in no particular order: Randi, Nancy K., Don, and Harold. I have noticed that Kristen does admonish them fairly regularly like a school marm, but I could never figure out exactly what they were up to.  Today I found out. And for the sake of not broadcasting so that others who might engage in copycat behavior I will refrain like the cameras do when a fan runs out on the field. 

 They are all skylarkers, each and every one of them. I recused myself from any association with  these offenders because my behavior is of course beyond reproach. I am always a good student because I keep my mouth shut.  But these individuals who think that just because they are in the back row they can act up and horse around. It’s amazing what adults will do when given even half a chance. I expected it from Harold and Don of course but when I saw Nancy Kaplan and the otherwise sweet and reserved Randi Meislas cutting up I was truly disappointed and yes I will say it hurt. Well there is just a limit to what I will report and I will resist mentioning this ever again unless I can produce more laughter. 

Regardless my position, I give it the same effort, although I did at first think I could lollygag in #53, but my spirit is irrepressible.  What am I in here for anyway? I love busting my ass; there is such great satisfaction at the end of the hour being soaking wet knowing that I gave it everything this ‘old man’ is capable of. 


  1. JB,

    No doubt, the Queen was superb this morning. I also found myself at the back of the class because i refuse to participate in the KSC pre-dawn race!

    What really shocked me is that I took a quick towel wipe before getting back "UP" and KG admonished me with the rest of the miscreants! Not only that, SHE DOES KNOW MY NAME!! lol

    No Queen K. I'm not upset, but now I know where I CAN hide.... It's certainly NOT the back row!

  2. Unfortunately she does know your name and there is no ESCAPE. She has her eyes riveted on the Back Row where I know you love to sit but you may have to rethink this. :-)
