Kristen's Spin Class

Friday, March 18, 2011

The Seven Deadly Sins Part II

I never thought I could put them to such good use until Kristen gave me the idea in the Friday class. Normally we are looking to avoid these seemingly egregious moral evils. But let’s talk reality, they live inside us and around us everyday and a self-inflicted battle embroils our psyche from time to time. What the inspiration KG gave me was, is that some of the negative emotions we feel versus other people, places and things can take up space in our head. And they don’t even knock at the door they just come in and You know what I’m talking about, it could be the job, the boss, the spouse, the kids a co-worker or even ourselves. 

 I try to avoid anyone living rent free in my head especially if they are wrecking the furniture. Every once in awhile a thought takes hold, most often it has to do with something in the past that we may not have dealt with the way we would have wanted given the benefit of hindsight. And so we ruminate often when we are alone and we start to get angry with nowhere to go with it. Here is the place to let it all burn, the CS.  I tried it and as my ire grew I used it as kindling for the fire that is KSC. Fuel is fuel and the seven deadly sins make excellent food for the pedalstroke, even though they are filled with poisonous lead. 

As an alcoholic I have dreaded anger whenever it reared it’s ugly head because I don’t do well with it, and I am not always successful in avoiding it or suppressing it, now I know where to take it, what a major revelation. And so when anyone asks you isn’t spin boring? You can look at him or her with a confused look like the one they give you.  

Oh the seven deadly sins in case you may not know are: Anger, Greed, Sloth, Pride, Lust, Envy and Gluttony. Every one of them has gotten me in trouble at one time or another, I won’t single any of them out, but I know that I am not alone. 

Today’s class was the first one that I actually felt like giving up. Yes I said it I felt like giving up. It was so challenging and truth be told I forgot most of my lesson plan and I was in oxygen debt virtually the whole ride. Maybe it was the choreography, like Cee Lo Green and Pat Benatar but in truth it’s the Evil Woman who picks us up and drops us off feeling spent but always gratified. Deadly Sins just don’t have a chance. 

1 comment:

  1. Magnificent. The best I have read so far
