Kristen's Spin Class

Friday, October 7, 2011

Hamburger in His Pocket

There is always a foil for Kristen in the audience and  just like a  Don Rickles schtick  she always finds someone in the crowd who she can pivot on and get jocular with and make it last for the whole session if she so chooses. Deepak made the mistake of saying that she was killing him one morning. Oh boy. What a mistake to make-a.  It was comical how she took him through a Dean Martin roast.  Latest up was our back row miscreant Harold. Harold it seems is a big big fan of the hamburger. In fact the McDonald’s Hamburglar (Since passed away in 2003, rest his soul) and H were quite buddy buddy back in the day.  Now he is enchanted with “Five Guys”. Kristen thought he was inviting over five guys to her house just recently but it was a sackful of the newest sensation (or fad take your pick) of the now self proclaimed best tasting hamburgers. And so Kristen (not a hamburger fan) who lives on salmon, water and air was not about to ‘bite’ into Harold’s newest friend.  I instantly thought of Wimpy of Popeye fame who would exclaim: I will gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today’. I am not saying Harold is Wimpy but he did evoke a fond memory.

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