Kristen's Spin Class

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

The Story in Your Eyes

Sometimes we cannot see what our eyes are saying, but our minds manipulate our feelings so strongly so adeptly that the power play releases the strength to change the shape and hue of our eyes which in turn governs what the rest of our face looks like.  And that face illustrates for us as to how our body contorts.

We can tell the story that we are struggling to breathe, to accelerate and give ourselves enough reason why we shouldn’t add more ‘road’ when Kristen asks us to. These vignettes are perfectly legitimate because the excuses are justified we tell ourselves. However, they are just that, stories and they are just pure fiction, even though we swear they are gospel.

The story in our eyes is there for anyone to see but only we can change the script. So we might as well tell the story the way we want it to turn out. 


  1. That is one of your problems you see thing the way you want them to be not the way they are. The script has been written long before you became part of it and that will not change. Impulse guides your action not reason. You are approaching the cliff's edge, change direction before you plummet into an abyss.

  2. The way things are?
    I don't necessarily agree with that thought. I can give it some thought but I just don't concur. What script? Why won't it change? Impulse is strong in my case there is no doubt and there are times when reason should win out. Plummet into an abyss? Explain.
