Kristen's Spin Class

Friday, August 26, 2011

The Shadow of Beauty

When someone has a beautiful countenance or a captivating physiology like Kristen and Michelle Corso, both genders can be inspired in various ways. In the case of Kristen James it was never what she looked like even though she would be any school’s Prom Queen. To me it was about the beauty of her commitment to her vocation and that means her members: you and me. This is the shadow of beauty. Not the reflection we see in our ocular mirrors but the one that resonates in our solar plexus, which to me mean more than looks ever, could. Looks fade but the shadow of beauty is one that never fades even as our bodies eventually will.  

As I have been chronicling a newer version of Kristen has appeared and this new model is not just sporting a new surname. She has lengthened and deepened her exercise curriculum to a level that quite frankly has me believing now that I can actually return (gravity notwithstanding) to my form from those thrilling  days of yesteryear; you know when the Lone Ranger rode the plains.  Kristen would be the first to say in a self-effacing style that it was I, John McQueen that did it. But had it not been for her that L for large on my shorts and shirts would not now be an M for the size medium that I cannot remember wearing since I was 45. Kristen that took me to that place and as I have done many times here, I thank her from the top of my heart to the bottom of my right ventricle.  She’s pretty cool even though some can’t seem to get into her class. By the way I thought that too but it’s not so it can be done and every time I am at my console here if I want a bike I get one. Just like anything else in life if you want it you have to go and get it. It’s not going to be handed to you. Of course good eye to finger coordination helps too. 

Beauty can take many forms. It can be a pretty or a handsome face. A fabulous physique a luscious body but the shadow of beauty is the one that lasts a lifetime. Kristen casts that shadow at least in my estimation.  

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