The thing of it is you can’t give too much thought to how challenging our spin class is going to be on a particular day. Oh we will be challenged, we will be out of breath and we will sweat if we are here but outside of those givens, make no mistake about it, it is always a unique ‘ride’ And it would have to be because we are not just here for a workout are we? How could it be when her class is always filled?
However, staying out of mind rehearsal before we mount our bikes is a challenge and it keeps it a mystery. I try to accept that each class is singular unto itself because the music is different, what visual pictures KG describes for us to inspire our performance are never the same and how we are feeling that day all influence our ‘ride’. This is no cookie cutter class. Oh it would be still very challenging if Kristen used tried and true scripts to motivate us but what we have here is a gifted innovator/motivator who not only takes her vocation seriously but exhibits an authenticity most uncommon in any exercise physiologist I have ever known. In other words she cares and cares deeply about our progress and she does not revel in her popularity she uses it to challenge herself to make each succeeding class better than the one before. As someone once told me: “It’s a gift”.
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