Kristen's Spin Class

Friday, March 29, 2013

Sensory Deprivation Part II

A holiday week had me enjoying Dana Mancini in the usual KJ spot of 8:30. You know we love this kid (she’s a kid if she’s under 35) and whenever I talk to my boys Soren and Roy they simply rave about her in the locker room. Nice guys Soren and Roy they can spot talent too!  I would be remiss not mentioning them along with my friend Mike who lodges himself in the back row a man that has shown me so much kindness this past year whenever my heart is on the fritz. (The fritz and archaic term meaning not working properly)  Thanks Michael.  

I still can’t get over Dana’s musical selection especially being so young reaching back to groups like the Doors and The Who. There are not many of her generation that really appreciates that period in musical history.  In a world where the Breakfast Club is an old movie most of Generation X, Y and Z have no idea who Steve McQueen is. Really I usually exclaim?! You don’t know who the King of Cool was? No not John McClain of Die Hard Steve McQueen. I bet most of you are googling his name right now. Be that as it may Dana uses many historical references in her music selection and that makes this old boy smile.  

 Sensory deprivation is a subject that is near and dear to me mainly because I have been writing and thinking about it since the Internet became a reality for all of us back in the 90’s. To be able to experience it again in another space and time excites me.  I used to be simply amazed instant messaging strangers and actually getting a “sense” of who they were minus sight, hearing, touch and smell. I reckoned that the remaining sense of sight, seeing their words made up for the other 4 that were missing. Now in reverse in spin class closing my eyes has brought a new world to a sport where it’s actually safe not to be looking. I choose the saddle as the best place to enjoy this phenomenon and my experiences are nothing short of extraordinary. It is for me trance induction. I “leave” the physical plane at least part of me does and I feel like I’m floating. The intensity of the ride is increased markedly and I am able to produce efforts beyond ones previous primarily because nothing in the studio can distract me. Make sense? It does for me. When I open my eyes I feel part of my essence is descending from above and landing back into my body. An altered state if there ever was one. Trust me I know all about altered states. 

Dana is also becoming a master at the double entendre and innuendo without being obvious just another intoxicating personality trait in our new Princess of Spin. The Queen may step down one day (perish the thought) and in Dana at least the fall off won’t be a steep as our fiscal one is. 

Sunday, March 24, 2013

The Blue Sapphire: Carolyn Mellace

Carolyn Mellace: what more can be said about this lithesome athlete with endless energy and effervescence. She is the consummate professional of course but as we all know it takes charisma to beguile us and Carolyn has been packing the CS for years now. Whether it be her smile or her countenance Carolyn has “it” and like Kristen she gets more out of us than we think we are capable of.  

When I’ve looked around these past few Sundays I am seeing a lot of new faces and today we had a first timer, which is always a treat because in a way they are the most important person in the room. Lucky for them they got the inspiration to try something we are all hooked on, an indoor sport with virtually no impact and therefore little chance of injury. Sure we get pretty tight but other than that and a sore butt spin is a near perfect way to experience fitness without aching knees, shin splints and sore hamstrings. 

How does the hour go so fast? You would think when you have spin instructors the caliber of Carolyn the time might slow down because the “road” is always a tough and challenging one but her music her natural coaching style makes the time rocket by and at rides end my shirt and shorts are as if I jumped in the pool at Great Neck. I just love riding with her and with two filled studios every Sunday I guess you do too.  

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Kiss Ass

Someone called me a kiss ass the other day because I write this blog. Most of my 760 odd stories involve Kristen James but I have been known to write about many other of our talented spin instructors like Tripp Doherty, Dana Mancini, Carolyn Mellace and Damian Vela to name but a few. Is that being a kiss ass? Maybe. I don’t mind I have been called worse. 
Why though do I continue to write? Hasn’t it all been said? Rest assured when I think I am fresh out of ideas I’ll quit but for now I will keep on keeping on. As long as you all don’t mind that is.  

 Truth is I love to write and writers love readers and although I am far from being a well read author some of you continue to come here and for that I am forever grateful. KSC has meant a lot to me because it has brought me back to my former athleticism. More importantly though writing about our master motivator has been a wonderful source of afflatus for me in some of my other more serious writing endeavors. There I go again kissing ass. 

What continues to amaze me is that after 3 years here Kristen continues to evolve and get better. I think its because she is never content to rest on her laurels. Eventually if you don’t change people get tired of the same old act and what once was novel becomes mundane. Not her though. She reminds me of Madonna. Remember how she not only set music trends but fashion trends as well?  That’s because before anyone got tired of one style she was on to the next innovation. This I think is the secret to sustained popularity. This is Kristen James. Yeah kiss ass I know. 

Her recent procedure has not kept her from packing the room either. Even off the bike she has us realizing we are stronger than we think we are.

 Have a great holiday to all of you.  

Sunday, March 17, 2013

The Bishop is a Woman

Welcoming a new spin instructor can be nerve racking because you want so much for them to succeed. But it cannot be anything compared to what the instructor feels because our members are demanding, impatient and make decisions about what they like and don’t in a most perfunctory fashion.  In our defense we pay top dollar for our membership and we expect the crème de la crème whether it’s spin or group exercise. However know this Kristen James can spot talent and our new instructor Ellen Lasker Bishop fits the bill. 

Her schedule at least initially is that she will be here on Tuesday’s and Friday’s so let’s welcome her into the fold our 3rd space. It’s not going to be easy because EQ is the big leagues at least in my opinion it is. Our members are used to the highest quality as soon as we walk in the door and see those proficient young and smiling faces of the   Greet staff.   And leave us not forget those industrious people that wear the “Maintain” T. They keep this club hospital clean.  And no trainer just gets hired from credentials alone they have to pass muster like no other health club including screening from one of the best and that’s Kristen James.  

The Bishop is a woman and I for one will be sitting in my pew on her next ride.  

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Impressive, Most Impressive

I admit I have haven’t taken a spin class with Young Atlas, Damian Vella in many moons and although regret is not something I engage in I think its time that I spend more time in this young mans classes because he is nothing short of spectacular.  Today subbing for Kristen in a packed studio Damian had us engaged and fully charged with the first note. You could feel the electricity and this ride was as memorable I’ve had in the 3 plus years in the Lavender Palace. Energy like this is nascent and amorphous but when it happens it’s like a fire in your solar plexus. 

Taking both ends of KJ’s double-header Saturday is no easy feat because there is no one that can replace the Queen but her choice of picking Damian for this slot was pure brilliance. He brings elements that are definable like a well-orchestrated discography, a plan, an eloquent speaking voice with great inflection, and an animated dialogue that beckons and reflects just how much he loves group instruction. But there’s something ethereal too I can’t quite put my finger on that seems to transcend his athleticism.  I think he is indeed a happy man. So he must being doing something right on his inside job because his presentation on the outside is remarkable. Have I given you enough adjectives yet? Take his class and decide for yourself. 

Great stuff Damian thank you for one amazing ride!  

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Happy Birthday Raj

Most of us know just how hard making changes can be and for me it’s no different. I have been addicted to spin and expanding my exercise regimen to include anything but is no easy trick for this old dog. (Up and Downward Dog notwithstanding)  But it helps if you have an instructor the caliber of Raj Shtrom. Now you might ask how can you Jack make that determination? You know less than zilch about Yoga. Well if it just went by firsthand experience, she is charismatic in an understated way which makes the time fly but the poses she puts us through have a rhythm like a syncopated beat and that is something you can feel.  As far as her acumen for this spiritual exercise is concerned I have my friend Jesse who has been practicing for many years as my guide. And by his account this young woman simply commands his respect and that’s all I need to know. 

Today in the downstairs studio it was Power Vinyasa Yoga. A power lunch if there ever was one. It seemed as if my several forays into this new lifestyle have made little difference in my flexibility but I am not discouraged I know it will take many moons for me to think about ever being in the lotus position. The wait will be worth it because if I am going to remain active at this level I have made a decision that Yoga will be the reason.

Kristen was talking this week about varying our exercise to include strength training citing how much more calories a lean body burns compared to fat tissue. It’s up to 30 times more. That’s all I need to know.  

Raj: Happy Birthday. Thank you for being the Super Star Downstairs.  

Sunday, March 10, 2013

I've Cracked the Code

It took me just over 3 years but I finally figured it out. I have cracked the code.  What code? How to get into Kristen’s Spin Class even if you are more than 8 seconds late hitting the refresh button. Many have exclaimed: I just can’t get in and I refuse to wait on the loser line and my hand to eye coordination is just not up to snuff trying to sign in online.  I hear that it’s frustrating trying to get a bike on the clubs hottest ticket.  And let’s face it she’s more popular than ever. 

Okay I promised you and here it is. Every year when the clocks shift to DST that morning you have ample time to sign in. Why? Well some people have forgotten to move their clocks forward and are asleep on their iPhone.  None of this 8-second bologna. You can actually blink, slow down your heart rate take a breath and relax.  I can hear a collective sigh of relief from all of you. 

But wait you say. That only works one day a year. Well what did you expect I said I cracked the code I’m not Houdini for Christ’s sake. 

Friday, March 1, 2013

Don't Read This One

For all intents I should not have ridden today but as some of you might identify I am possessed when I get into KSC Thursday edition.  One of my favorite spin classes of the week the 830 brings us close to weeks end and it just seems as if the effort we put forth is more intense than say Monday or even Wednesday. I might be hallucinating but that’s what it seems like to me.  

Back to why I had no business on the bike today was that I was in the midst of a 24-hour atrial fibrillation episode and as I watched my Polar HR monitor hit 223 I had to slow down in RPM’s and back way off on my resistance wheel. Maybe I am playing with fire but I’ve had this condition so long I doubt it will kill me although some that love me might beg to differ.  I was reading on a website that there are proponents who believe that heavy exercise can actually break the spell for lack of a better word as the intensity of the real heart beat cancels the echoes of those runaway charges that don’t actually pump any significant amounts of blood.  That was my contention all along but it was hardly scientific. 

It just felt strange not being able to keep up with all of you and having to sit when you were all in position 3. Not a big deal its only one class but it moves me closer to getting another catheter ablation. The first one 13 years ago didn’t take and for those of you that don’t know there is no anesthesia for this procedure because the surgeon wants you wide awake as the technician scores the inside of your heart with painful radio waves that scar the inside wall of your heart and supposedly prevent these masquerading heartbeats. My doctor at St. Francis in Manhasset had me on the most uncomfortable table and said: Tell me when it’s excruciating. And as the tech called out the ever-rising radio waves (Mikey correct me if I am wrong in this terminology) and as I started to writhe in pain I firmly resolved that I would never do that again. However maybe technology has evolved and it’s not quite as painful. I just can’t stand this anymore and  because I just can’t seem to take my meds dutifully the ablation might just be my only alternative. The question is will it work the second time if it didn’t work the first time.  

Yesterday I tried saddling up for Dana and that’s what I should have done today but missing two days in a row? Saints preserve us.