Kristen's Spin Class

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Sour Note

It’s a rare occasion if ever where I am just a little pissed off about what transpires inside the Lavender Palace. Today was one of those days. I am the first to admit that 26 hours before I am refreshing my macbook to secure a bike for KSC.  And Wednesday morning at 6:30 I clicked and reserved #4 for today’s 8:30 class. And as per usual the room was filled in the proverbial 5 seconds for the Evil Woman’s daily show. 

As I checked back later yesterday I could see that the room was still booked full.  This morning however revealed quite a different scenario. Kristen absent today enrolled her substitute Lori Salti. Now I have taken Lori’s class before and there are not many trainers more passionate about fitness and spin than the White Angel is but it seems some of my spin mates just didn’t see it that way. Now I understand that everyone is entitled to spin with whom they wish but if you reserve a bike show up. I just think it was insulting that we can’t show one of our elite trainers support by being present especially if you reserved a bike in the first place. In fact I saw some of KSC regulars in the big room  chatting and some on the treadmill. It’s just not right.  

Having said that Lori was truly great and if you ask my front row mates you’d hear them echo the same sentiment. I was drenched and the indefatigable Ms. Salti was ready for her double duty in the 9:45.  Sorry no metaphors today I am just so disappointed.  

Here I am sporting my new specs from Optical Image where Cheryl and Heather are the proprietors. I got my eyes checked and they helped me pick out these glasses. What do you think? 

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