Kristen's Spin Class

Monday, December 26, 2011

No Spin, No Problem

Uh yeah no that’s a lie. I miss my mates of the Lavender Palace because it’s not just exercise to me anymore it’s a way of life for me. I did some Napoleon Solo episodes on the beach with a breathtaking view last week but it just can’t match the energy I feel inside the confines of my EQ home.   

Tomorrow I will try 24 Hour Fitness spin class and I hope it is a reasonable facsimile at least to keep me somewhat sated for the time being. Up until now I have been running as a substitute with extreme difficulty and I never thought I would say this but I don’t miss the pounding on the knees or the crippling lactic acid that kept me walking like I had a stick up my alimentary canal. 

The fact that Kristen is absent this week makes it just a bit more palatable and I can justify taking a break but since I have an obsessive personality I miss taking my comfort in the exquisite sport that I have made Jack’s addiction. 

No spin? Oh yeah it’s a problem. 

1 comment:

  1. Stop the running you are not used to it and it could cause you a real problem walk don't run You are just to far from home to take chances.
