Kristen's Spin Class

Sunday, September 30, 2012

The Story in Our Eyes

Sometimes we cannot see what our eyes are saying, but our minds manipulate our feelings so strongly so adeptly that the power play releases the strength to change the shape and hue of our eyes which in turn governs what the rest of our face looks like.  And that face illustrates for us as to how our body contorts.

We can tell the story that we are struggling to breathe, to accelerate and give ourselves enough reason why we shouldn’t add more ‘road’ when Kristen asks us to. These vignettes are perfectly legitimate because the excuses are justified we tell ourselves. However, they are just that, stories and they are just pure fiction, even though we swear they are gospel.

The story in our eyes is there for anyone to see but only we can change the script. So we might as well tell the story the way we want it to turn out. 

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

She's So Mean Part II

 KSC has me feeling compelled to hop aboard #4 whenever I obtain a bike online. Today however  was a day I should have stayed offline. Unable to muster much in the way of speed or resistance I fell short of my own expectations of what I usually put into the class each morning. I can hear Kristen’s voice in my head: What do you want to get out of this class when you walk out?  The woman haunts me with her Zen like sonnets but today all I did was put a strain on my heart that I needn’t have done.  It’s my damn ego or as I like to think, Easing God Out. I promise you and myself my friends I will not do that again. I used to think that I could exercise my HR down but it’s not only dangerous it’s stupid as well. Thanks to my friends Soren and Mikey who watched over me in the boy’s locker room.  

Now playing her new theme song: She’s So Mean the Evil Woman assured me that if I did have a heart attack she had the capable skills to resuscitate me.  She also said that I would have to be removed quickly so that she could go on with the class, which was another blow to my fragile ego. I love Kristen’s jocularity and it keeps my overacting in check.  She’s still so mean though. 

In spite of the Yom Kippur holy day a huge turnout had the Lavender Palace nearly full as only the Blonde Bombshell of Charisma can do.  I wish I could have more to say but that might have to wait for tomorrow.

Blonde Bombshell of Charisma? Does that have legs? 

Friday, September 21, 2012

The Big O

We have a plethora of Big O’s in KSC. There’s the hOly s**t zone, the Omg, and Oh I can’t catch my breath. The Big O is usually associated with the peak sensation but here in KSC it’s a multi-O experience.  

The All-new Thursday night edition brings to the Lavender Palace many of the morning regulars some doing a double but also a lot of new faces as well. The 55-bike capacity is usually filled most mornings and its no surprise that Kristen draws a crowd at any time day or night. For those that either work during the day or simply can’t get a bike this night affords others a chance to see what all the hubbub is all about. 

I love words as most of you might glean but what is going on here in the Evil Woman’s class can only be described as ethereal. In practical terms we can say it’s her personality, her presence, her semantics but that does not describe why or how each class seems more challenging than the last. How could that be? I don’t know how but I would swear that I have just a bit more giddyap in my pedal stroke each ride. So that’s why I say it’s ethereal because it’s simply unworldly.  

What do you think of the 45-minute spin class? Most classes outside of the big 3 of Great Neck, Roslyn and our Woodbury conduct the shortened versions and I got a feeling we just might be headed that way. If you knew that there’s only 45 minutes to ride your heart out would  you ride differently? I think we do. What’s your take?

Oh and one more thing you know how KJ tries to get us focused on breathing in via the nose and expelling through the mouth so we get maximum O2 to our legs? I don’t know about you but I have to make a conscious effort to really do that but I did figure out if I had a 3rd nostril it might just work. The Big O it ain’t no joke.  

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

She's So Mean (and Evil)

My friend Jesse Walia was in attendance today and although he has done maybe a sum total of a half dozen classes with Kristen in the past, KJ knew his name and gave him several shout outs within the hour. Jesse was amazed at this and wondered how remarkable it was that  she remembered him.  I told him that she knows everyone in her room. The superlatives from my dear friend didn’t stop there; as he waxed poetic about her professionalism and the way she conducted the class and herself. 

I for one cannot fathom how the Evil Woman elicits an ever-greater effort out of my creaking frame every single class. I discussed this with the boys in the locker room and they were unanimous in their incredulity. At the end of every ride the pool of salt water beneath my bike is more prodigious than the day before. This morning in particular I asked myself after 15 minutes would I be able to make it to the cool down. That could be a function of too much spin or I have too much resistance on the red wheel. Nonetheless I made it through and by the time the remixed version of Don’t Wake Me Up sounded its last note every ounce of puissance had left me. Its just WOW! 

Something was different about Kristen today and when I asked her about it she made no bones as to what had changed in her and that kind of honesty is rarer than a   black and blue steak with cool centers. Most would hide behind vanity not Kristen and the veracity she showed me just verified what I have known all the while this woman is authentic and no one cares greater than she about our progress on our “road” to fitness. When she says she’s excited to be here she means it. 

Oh and Mrs. Bean even though she’s Evil and So Mean she was a model citizen the whole hour.  

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Hello Mr. Scott

 Jeffrey Scott graced his presence in the Lavender Palace Saturday all the way from California and Kristen said we’d love him and we did! There were some similarities discernable between the two stars but each one has an individuality that is unmistakably their own. This was a thrill for me to see the one that inspired the one we are inspired by. Kristen as big a personality as she is never fails to give credit to the ones that influenced her success. 

 Jeffrey was here to certify other trainers and we look forward to his presence one day soon again.  Kristen without a microphone in the CS was indeed a rare moment but her presence was felt and welcomed just the same. 

Jeffrey has a well-defined science to his class but is playful enough that the seriousness of the ride never takes precedence over the fact that we are here to have fun. Not an easy task as many instructors are competent enough but few (except our EQ staff) can capture the imagination of their riders and keep them motivated for the whole hour.  

I wasn’t sure that a Left Coast spin instructor could hold our attention here in Woodbury because we have the best instructors in the Nation. However Mr. Scott delivered as if he was an East Coaster. The discography was mostly new music refreshing to be sure and we spent more time in the saddle than we are used to but outside of that one subtlety we are raving fans. Come back Jeffrey anytime. 

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Broad Sword Calling Danny Boy!

If they’re gossiping to you then they’re gossiping about you.  A beautiful piece of wisdom from the Evil Woman today and truer words could never have been spoken.  When people tell you who they are, believe them. 

I spied some new faces when I looked around the CS today even the front row comprised many newcomers.  A rapid fire Q & A was given to “Danny” about mid station in the Lavender Palace and he did not shrink from an amusing rapid fire from KJ and for that he deserves meritorious mention on his first day. He’s moved here from Long Beach California and I am sure we will take the time to make him feel welcome in our beloved Woodbury.  Really? What am I getting sentimental? He will have to tow the line just like the rest of us otherwise he will be sentenced to the salt mines to either the treadmill or the elliptical.  Let’s get real this is ain’t no disco.  

We are having so much fun in KSC and it’s getting monotonous. I am sick and tired of liking Kristen’s class this much! I can’t go on much longer. Well maybe I will stay even if I don’t have my whistle. Notice how she pushes the envelope every morning? Just when you think we have given our best effort on Monday along comes Wednesday and some how some way we shake that ass just a bit more. I like that song Shake that Ass for me Shake that ass for me. I hope Mrs. Bean doesn’t read this one.  

And welcome Danny Boy!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Don't Get Too Excited

Easier said than done. The energy in KSC is always ramped just a bit more on Saturday. I don’t know why and I think for me it might even trump Thursday’s 8:30. Maybe because there are new faces on Saturday that we don’t get to see on weekdays. It also could be that on the weekend we are more relaxed looking forward to Saturday night.   This might be an exaggeration but as a sentient man I think the rhythm of the road is so palpable here in KSC and yet different each day.  

Chris Brown’s Don’t Wake Me Up has me so cranked almost like New Order’s Bizarre Love Triangle does. I go immediately into an anaerobic state when I hear theses two songs plated.  I almost feel like I might need a resuscitator by the time the music’s over. This might sound morbid but when I do expire what better place to be than among you all in the Lavender Palace. It is in this room that I lock out all my issues, problems and personal situations. Just like KJ says they’ll all be there when we finish our road. 

Although we have missed Don Berman his replacement today was none other than Pitbull. Mr. Perez was wearing his trademark sunglasses and though he did not break out in song his presence was a suitable substitute until the apple of someone’s eye returns. 

A note to Mrs. Bean. Your beloved daughter might need a mouthful of soap as the scatological references were being bandied about freely without a care for my virgin ears.  Just sayin’