Kristen's Spin Class

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Septuagenarian? No Problem

Beverly one of my southern exposure spin instructors unabashedly told me that her 74th birthday was due this September. Now if I try to think back to my youth when my Grandmother was 74 years old would she have been able to get aboard a spin bike let alone give a riveting performance in front of 30 people all younger than her? As they say in the Urban Dictionary: NFW.  And yet there she was as fit as someone 30 years younger. 

And then there’s her discography, which was smoking hot. You could reflect in   stereotypic fashion what does this woman know of popular music? She knows it backwards and forwards and how to put it together to make it a pleasing timber to the ear and with a rhythm that had me on my pedal stroke like The March of the Wooden Soldiers.  

Bring it Bev I will be there tomorrow.  



  1. How ageist of you . 70 somethings are nothing like they were in your grandmother's day, nor are 80's or 90's. Think about it , was you grandfather or even your father cycling or jogging at your age. We are (or should I say many of us are) very different people today. Keep an opened mind .

  2. Hey I know this better than anyone I am 61.

  3. I am amazed at people half my age and less telling me they are going home to take a nap after spin. I swim 20 laps and dance for several hours. I venture to say they will fall by the wayside as age approaches.

  4. Jack, I love your comments. I do not think you are an ageist at all. Bev is my mom and I appreciate your comments about her.
    There are people like my mom who prove that age is just a number, but the fact is there are more people in their 70's that are not active and could never get on a spin bike and do what she does. People judge her all the time when they see her as the spin teacher and many times they even apologize after class when they realize they cannot keep up with her. God has blessed her with amazing energy and a healthy body and I can see her doing this into her 90's. I am very proud of her.

  5. Lisa
    I have to tell you that your mom has given me a real lift because at 61 I have often wondered how long I can do this and your Wonder Mom has given me true inspiration. Thank you for commenting.

