Kristen's Spin Class

Monday, November 14, 2011

Didactic Kristen

Monday KSC is a time to purge all of our eating indiscretions from the weekend. 
Although because of her encouragement I have lessened my intake of sweets and empty calories. Not all the time of course but since I don’t drink alcohol I have a leg up on you “earthlings” that drink socially. I do know that those calories are like candy bars without wrappers and I am also cognizant how smooth booze can be and how those pounds can sneak up on you and tip that scale to the right. 

Merriam says that Didactic means: intended to convey instruction and
information as well as pleasure and entertainment. The Evil Woman does just that doesn’t she? That is one of the secrets to her success. She takes pride in giving us technology that is always cutting edge, even if we have a tendency not to hear her every word. In time however, we listen to her message and all we have to do is look in the mirror to see a reflection that we haven’t seen in sometimes many years. 
And as far as entertainment goes who does it better than she with her double entendres that both titillate and inspire.  She works the room better than anybody because she makes sure she knows all her members and what their strengths are as well as their weaknesses. And who doesn’t love hearing her call out our names every class and when we don’t we know we’ve been sent to Coventry but that never lasts for long because she loves us like we love her.  

Didactic Kristen. Today we learned a new word: “Stripping”. She had plenty of fun with that and why not getting naked is always fun in the right setting but this term had us taking down road instead of adding resistance and it made the ride feel like more like the open road going up on a hill attack and then enjoying the ride down the incline. It gave the ride at least to me a new dimension that I can’t wait to try on Thursday. 

Note to Kristen’s Mom: Just between us did you ever wash her mouth out with soap when she was a little girl? She is terribly naughty albeit in the most intoxicating way.   

1 comment:

  1. Naughty isn't that "the pot calling the kettle black"
