Kristen's Spin Class

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Dance With Me Kristen

From the front row a dance is certainly within the realm of possibility as I can just reach out to our vaunted leader and do an inside turn. However, this is just a metaphor for the real dance we do each morning in KSC.  I worked up quite a sweat  “in my life as a dancer” and now in my life of spin (that is nigh on two years) I work up that same sweat and then some. Never since my days of long distance running have I worked this hard in achieving the level of fitness I now enjoy.  You can see it in the mirror but the feeling inside viscerally is where I feel it the most. It’s a leanness that makes us feel like all our clothes are loose which is gratifying beyond words. We can dance in the Lavender Palace during the day and when we dance in the dark at night it feels as if a pirouette is child’s play. 

And the dance is always different. The Evil Woman may program her discography but never her soliloquies. She could never be content with the same old thing it always has to be cutting edge and whenever she can shed the “old school” thought process she does. The latest is her disposal of the theme of just burning calories. I tried that for almost 7 years in the main studio and I know it just doesn’t work because you wind up (if you’re lucky) maintaining your weight or more likely gaining weight instead. I think that if we use the philosophy of just burning calories it gives us a false sense of what we can ingest. For me I think I thought I could eat anything because I had worked out for the day. But more than likely I ate back my workout and more. With Kristen’s credo of going into the day in caloric deficit our metabolism shifts and our bodies become an inferno as we incinerate the food we eat.  

I have always loved to dance since The Twist* in 1960 and if the circle of people that would surround me back then in 5th grade were any judge I was “doin’it and doin’ it and doin’ it well.   And now in 2011 I can still dance and each morning I am dancing as fast as I can.
*The Twist is the only song to be released twice once in 1960 and then again in 1961 and reach #1 in the Billboard Charts both times.  

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