Kristen's Spin Class

Saturday, October 20, 2012


This entry is purely emotional and resembles an ethereal quality singular in nature. These things arrive nascent and so it must be that they have complete veracity. 

Saturday morning would not be Saturday unless it started with Kristen James in the Lavender Palace. I am where I love to be in #4 because the energy and charisma are best felt up close.  Some shy away from the 1st row and it would be pure speculation as to why and so I will not venture any hypothesis.  

Charisma: a personal magic of leadership arousing special popular loyalty or enthusiasm. She has it and we all know it and when it’s palpable like today I just had to mention it. Since the end of summer something has changed and its either I am listening with more sensory acuity or the Evil Woman is just getting better. I am drawing the conclusion that it’s a little bit of both.  

Today in the locker room as if by a form of clairvoyance I started talking to a stranger named Peter. I was waxing on about spin class and Kristen’s Spin Class in particular. I told him that it was in essence a moving form of Zen with the bonus of 55 energetic athletes adding fuel to your inner fire. He instantly perked up and  it was then I knew I had found a new enrollee.  Peter is a member of EQ Manhattan but works out here on weekends. I told him that unless his hand to eye coordination was par extraordinaire he probably should look for another EQ star performer. He looked quizzically at me and I told him that the class is literally sold out in 4 seconds. 

Today after a week or more trying to figure out how to tuck my tailbone I finally got it. Although I am blessed with an abundance of grey cells common sense has not much room in my head. However, when Kristen said push back on your tailbone off your pubic bone it all became clear. Instantly the ride for me changed and instead of pressure I felt comfort in the saddle.  Remarkable that after almost 3 years I am still trying to perfect my form and today went a long way in changing it for the better. 

Charisma is an ethereal quality and at times it’s visible in nature and in the Lavender Palace.  

1 comment:

  1. Very ceative, Kristen must be impressed. I agree is an excellent spin instructor. I imagine her leading huge groups of followers in a multilevel studio all her own.
