Step across that line…. I probably have heard this song before at some point but this morning it resonated even deeper inside my solar plexus. The metaphor was particularly personal for me because too often in my life I have let other people draw that line in the sand in front of me just daring me to cross it. And I got so caught up in the idea of the dare that I never gave much thought as to why was I crossing it in the first place because it was often someone else’s agenda not mine. Now it’s my time to make my own lines in the sand and cross them with purpose and more importantly with a plan. It’s about time too because the stick is getting shorter and I have to make every minute count.
Today Evil Woman was on fire and when she said Happy Freaking Birthday John and then played one of my all time favorite songs: Bizarre Love Triangle my heart leapt as it always does when I hear that composition by New Order. Thank you EW. As I have said many times the music is just the drum beat that elevates my HR and any time a tune comes on that I particularly love it’s whipped cream on pudding.
Baby I have made that move and crossed that line when I stepped into the Lavender Palace just two short years ago.