Kristen's Spin Class

Thursday, February 20, 2014

The Perfect Moment

When in our lives does something happen in the Perfect Moment? Rarely I suspect but then there are times when you least expect it they just appear.  Often it’s not something we “orchestrate” rather it’s  when we keep out of our own way do miracles occur. Nature plays the right music just in time like melting snow after an April snowstorm.  

K2 set the mood this night in her 6 pm slot in the Lavender Palace. This unusually long piece sang by Mary Griffin and remixed by Johnny Vicious was magnificent. The 11 minute “Perfect Moment” took me on a sojourn of the mind I will not forget. I never heard this masterpiece heretofore and my ears are still ringing like a chorus oh hand bells only a musician could render. 

Leave it to this young woman who is so gifted musically to render a prosaic package like this on a dark rainy winter night. I love spin and every once in awhile the Perfect Moment arrives.  

Here's the song:

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Caped Crusaders

Are we supermen and superwomen? I don’t know honestly but we are Caped Crusaders. Maybe not able to leap tall buildings in a single bound but we certainly have risen to a fitness even Clark Kent would marvel at. After all the comic book Caped Crusader had super powers and although we are mere mortals our gifts of power and speed rival anything the planet Krypton bestowed on Superman. 

What is it that drives us? Donning my cycling shoes 6 days a week I don’t even ask myself anymore.  It’s not just a habit it’s way more than that for me it is a way of life. I feel such a strong kinship with so many of you. These past 4 years have taught me so many lessons about life I either didn’t know or just didn’t pay attention to. Where can you get the gift of health, real friendship and a new life that makes Father time standstill? The Lavender Palace is that place. 

Caped Crusaders should stick together and everyday you’ll find us upstairs minding our bodies and opening our hearts. 

Tuesday, February 11, 2014


It was about time I visited with our resident scientist again John Kocaj. He was in my view a man who never concerned himself with how popular he was because he was always deferring to the resident stars like Kristen, Dana and Carolyn. He too was never afraid to use some of the techniques by the aforementioned women of spin either. That to me was true humility. When he saw value he incorporated it into his repertoire. And also to his credit he knew who he was and that was a talented group exercise and fitness expert never advertising his innate prowess always seemingly in the background although his workouts never were. I took one of his classes in the main studio many months ago and sadly it was my last because I just wasn’t up to the challenge. He in response would have dismissed that notion as ludicrous but to say his classes are challenging is pure understatement.  

My friends Stacy suggested that I take his 830 class this Tuesday morning and I am so glad that I did because it felt very Thomas Dolby like. He blinded me with science! Well maybe I wasn’t so much blinded rather I was marveled. John had so many permutations in his lesson plan but what was astonishing about his complexity is his ability to unravel differential equations and make it like simple arithmetic. Kocaj is the thinking mans spin instructor. At least I think so. 

He nearly made me blush this morning but suffice it to say it was nice to know that the written word can be powerful and can carry inspiration and you never know it. I have been inspired countless times in class as I have said many times and if I can offer anything in return then the gift I have been blessed with suits me in the most sublime way.  

John always reminds me of Telly Savalas whom I loved as Kojak and when he used to Yell: Crocker! It made me smile and that’s what John did today. 

Saturday, February 8, 2014

10 Feet Tall

It’s how I feel after every KSC. That Evil Woman takes me to the threshold of maximum effort and like today I was on the verge of reverse peristalsis. That’s because I didn’t follow one of her credo’s and that is to eat something at least an hour before class. Nonetheless and I know I have gone on about her ad nauseam but she is the best. Evil? Oh most definitely but results? You be the judge. 

Later after class I met Lauren and her lovely teenage daughter in Stop n Shop and she admitted the same experience because of an empty stomach. I promised not to mention that in her green basket were not one nor two but three half gallons of ice cream. Not the bogus no added sugar or half the fat nonsense but REAL ice cream the kind that we all SCREAM for. I will rat myself out as I had stashed some ice cream sandwiches in my cart as well. 

Lauren feels similarly about that blonde atop the pedestal and she agrees that the new bikes with Watts added make KJ’s evil mischief even easier to dispense. It’s as if she has a wand merely to wave it and we march to her drumbeat. I have to say that getting my watts higher is easier in the saddle than standing and I am not sure why maybe I am not positioned correctly and it’s not always the highest resistance that can yield the highest power output. I guess that makes sense because with too much resistance we are defeating the purpose. 

I love KSC on Saturday. The weekend seems to begin at that first pedal stroke. 10 Feet Tall is the perfect metaphor to take away with me today. Hell we are taller than Howard now. 

I am starting a new entry in JacBook today and I am calling it The Story of My Life. It will be a circular creation and “The Once Upon a Time” will begin about midlife. Should I admit that I was a male stripper once back in my 30’s? No I better not. I have a few stories that might shock you who knows.