Kristen's Spin Class

Saturday, November 23, 2013

It's Gonna Be All Right

Putting fingers to the keyboard has eluded my psyche of late. I can’t for the life of me figure out why but just opening up the computer is a start.  KSC on a Saturday seemed to be the catalyst for me this morning.  Befittingly Kristen was in the most playful of moods for the 8 am.  When she shines like this its like whipped cream on the best dessert you can think of. 

My friend Stacy made me think about something and with a bit of thought it dawned on me that she was right. The KJ cycle experience is quite singular. There is always a plan it’s never ad hoc. Kristen is just too well prepared to ever let that happen. A plan yes formulaic never! There are a host of reasons why I keep coming back and one just one is that she never plays the same record. Let me clarify she may play songs over from class to class but I can never say I know what the course of the ride will look like. As I can never predict her many faces of Eve nor do I know how she will put us through the workout of our lives.  Simply it’s fresh every time. 

And it never fails that she comes out with some phrase that sticks with me for the day. Today it was: “It’s gonna be all right” Truer words could not have been spoken. Every time things turn out just the way they are supposed to and it’s up to us to make the adjustment, which we are always capable of in the end. If we put the footwork in the results will come…eventually. Situations in life are just scripts we haven’t rehearsed yet and at the end of the day what we think was a cloud filled sky has silver linings we could never have anticipated. KJ is one of the people in my life who inspire me. Maybe she doesn’t know that but it matters not. She does.  

Stacy asked me what bike I had today even though she was spinning in the 915. I said # 3 and she later revealed that if I had her beloved #4 she would have asked me to switch because she didn’t fancy Lake Jack beneath her. Anything to keep her happy I always say. 

It’s going to be all right I know that intuitively.  

My mom would have been 84 years old today. Often her birthday fell on Thanksgiving. Although she's been gone almost 14 years she used to say the same thing to me: Jackie it's gonna be all right. 

1 comment:

  1. Mom was present today. She is at your side as always rain or shine. Her love for you lights the way, follow.
