Kristen's Spin Class

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Kristen's Spin Class Deactivated

It occurred to me to write in this now deactivated blog that is KSC but why in God’s name would I do that? The fact that I no longer spin actively might have something to do with it and the supervening reason that I no longer live on Long Island or am I a member of Equinox completes the circle of why I no longer write stories about pedaling in place.

Do I miss it? Frankly no. It was a big part of my life for a number of years but now in South Florida riding outside seems to work just fine for me. I do miss the camaraderie I suppose but I must confess that there is not one person that stays in contact with me. It reminds me of AA out of sight out of mind. No hard feelings I enjoyed everyone’s company while it lasted, and it was time well spent during a turbulent time in my life. There are certainly reasons I could take up that would cause some harm, but I won’t do that as what would be the purpose? Let sleeping dogs lie is a great idiom. 

I check the numbers now and then and believe it or not I am still averaging over 300 readers a month. I suppose that might be strange considering I stopped writing over 2 years ago. Vanity might be one reason and I would like to think that those spin instructors miss being scribed about. When I reread some of the stories, I ask did I write that? Of course, the answer is yes as my writing was always Faulkneresque a stream of consciousness style that made it fluid and required very little editing.  I am proud of this compendium and I had dreamed that is might be picked up one day and fetch a bigger audience but alas not to be.  At one point I was going to shut it down to all readers, but I thought why? I had some sour grapes, but it was my contribution to what I called the Zen of spin.

If you should read this, I say hello and maybe I will add to this with more thoughts at another time and space. 


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