Kristen's Spin Class

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Spinning Away

As I draw further and further away in time and space from the stationary bike I realize that my intervals there were the escape vehicle I desperately needed to move about in a backwards universe I had created for myself. Those hours brought me a catharsis of sorts that I was unable to generate or so I thought at the time on my own.

I had peace of mind in those 45 minutes but now I have it 24/7. The key to my self-imposed state was in my pocket all along but the occlusion in my brain kept me blind to its presence.

Perception for some is their truth but it’s often not the truth as I found out in some of my quote unquote friendships. Those that purported to be my friend had their own agenda and when it no longer suited their purpose I was excised. I have no misgivings now, as weakness became my strength. Their quicksand became my terra firma and for that I am forever grateful.

I am in constant precession and unchanging in my axis supported by an unbreakable love that keeps me sated and with a peace of mind this sexagenarian has never experienced in a lifetime of many lifetimes.

Spinning away and yet I never get vertiginous or irresolute because my guidance system has me headed True North.