Kristen's Spin Class

Monday, March 31, 2014

Spinning My Wheels Part 1 & 2

Shall I continue to write my spin blogs? I am asking myself more of me than any of you because once it becomes work I will not do it anymore. After a combined 826 entries is there more to say? I guess I feel strongly both ways. If KJ, Dana, John and Carolyn et all have more then maybe I have too. Conversely I could also say that I need to change my approach than use the old tried and true, which has been my wont, these past 4 years. Do I get a little more risqué? Would that be entertaining or just sensationalism? God knows I can go a little prurient here but to do so is a fine line because inevitably someone will take umbrage to anything but vanilla. 

The energy I feel in the Lavender Palace seems forever waxing and my enthusiasm never seems to wane. I still can’t figure out why or how pedaling in the same motions for several thousand rides continues to draw me to the saddle.  

Oh one thing I have learned and although I have heard it from Kristen countless times I have finally found out how I can increase my RPM’s standing up. Four years and I could never figure out how some of you could get to 100 out of the saddle. I heard Johnny on Sunday and I guess I was just ready to learn it’s keeping my butt just an inch above the saddle. In this way my knees get a break and the power comes from my legs in a much more efficient way. Thanks John. A word about Kocaj he is totally underrated his science is sound and understandable and it works. 

Spin is Zen for me and I may not write about it much more but it will continue to inspire me as long as my wheels turn.  

I wrote this piece 4 years ago and it still holds true.  Since it had only 1 hit you might find it new.  

About midway through our stationary trek I start to notice the accumulating puddle on the floor and the colorless stains around the skeleton of my bike. Kristen asks: “Are you sweating yet?” My silent answer is; are you kidding me, quite some time ago. I don’t mind the sweat in fact I kind of like it and I am not anxious to wipe it from my face and brow because it tells me I am working hard and it goes rather well with my soaking wet T. 

This class is a lot about passion but it is also about commitment. Passion can be lost in a day but commitment cannot be gained in one. 

What drives me to come here?  I have thought about that these past 3 months. I know that initially it was about Kristen’s talent, passion and theatrical brilliance. But now I think it has evolved into her providing me with the training wheels that have rekindled my deep desire to remain active and remain active in a meaningful and purposeful way.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

I Love Saturday Mornings

 My exuberance often gets me in hot water however if I channel it there’s little mischief I can get in to. It’s been a long absence from the Lavender Palace and my overfilled reservoir of joules must escape and Saturday’s with Kristen drains my cardio battery just perfectly. I thought Friday was my favorite day of the week but no it’s Saturday and Saturday Mornings in particular.  I love when my alarm goes of at 6:45. I get to see my friends again. The first person I spy is Stacy Tucker and as she flashes a smile my way that feeling of ‘I belong’ overwhelms me. As I scan the 50 plus there’s Janet on my left and the HBIC Nancy Kaplan (she’s not Jewish remember, I still like her though) and there’s my new friend Josh that rounds out the 1st row. I would be remiss if I didn’t mention Ferne, Howard and my stalwart friend Ivan. To think for the first 7 years here I worked out alone. The last 4 make me forget those days. 

The Queen was all business today not as much playful banter yet nonetheless no one is as charismatic as The Evil Woman. She says she’s anal but it matters little I am here because she handles the spotlight like no other. She is the shepherdess and we are her flock except we are hardly sheep. Lead us is what she does above and beyond what we think we are capable of. Often I feel as if I am training for a race that never arrives and when I think about it for the life of me I don’t know how I do it. Yet it still happens and for that I am grateful. Some of my friends warn me about my malfunctioning heart and there will come a time soon when I will submit to that ablation once more. 

KJ had yet another pair of sneakers lying next to her bike and I thought I would love to see the floor of her closet. Just how many workout shoes does she have? (forget the Scarpe donna) and I thought the only one that might have her dwarfed would be Chris Melillo but after all he’s a head honcho at Nike. I was wondering too if that EQ sparkled sleeveless was available in the shop. And I wish that those anniversary T-shirts would be made available to member’s not just staff. The 11th  comes up next month I have been here for every one. I am so glad I stayed. 

Thursday, March 6, 2014

She Is Precocious

Kristen and Dana were suffering from upper respiratory challenges today and Dana’s more severe needed a sub for her 6 and 830 this morning.  In stepped the young Charlotte Ricci a newly groomed spin instructor from the halls of Kristen’s Spin School. Now we are all no doubt aware that this “school” is starting to churn out one diamond after another. The talent is deep in Woodbury and it just got deeper.  One of the boys remarked to me that we have the best instructors in the franchise. I think he’s right. 

 Charlotte Ricci. Some of you may have read my story about her when she did an EQ fit for me several months ago. I was skeptical of her then but walked away duly impressed not only by her intelligence but her infectious charm as well. I had heard she was recently installed in the 6 am on Wednesdays and now she had her chance in the coveted 830-time slot and if she was nervous it never showed. The “kid” nailed it! From launch point she was giving props to Dana never presupposing anyone was there for her and in a delightful self-effacing way she had me smiling ear to ear.  She has a style all her own and just like K2 I found myself being drawn in with every little nuance she dished out. I say “kid” with all the respect in the world but to me they are kids but they have the talent of seasoned veterans. 

No Kristen, No Dana? No problem