Now that I have put that hat on your head what does that have to do with spinning and spinning in Kristen’s spin class? Well when I think about legendary places I also think about altered states. The kind of chemical reaction that takes place in my physiology when I am on each ‘ride’ I take in our studio. We go to a place we thought only existed inside the heads of athletes and those gifted not only in body but in mind as well.
When I am spinning and I would love to hear what you feel, I am enrolled to push myself beyond what I think I can do. It’s almost as if and that’s key “As If” my ability rises like a tide that I have no control over. Think about this for a moment when we workout we can pat ourselves on the back, because we are MOTIVATED so much more so than the average Dick and Jane. But do we really take it to the limit when it’s just us behind the wheel? At times its possible but like running competitive running, spinning has an element that makes us feel akin to each other even though most of us do not communicate with each other except for our small circle of friends. It is in this unspoken camaraderie like a silent retreat (except for some exasperated grunts and groans) that makes us a ‘collective’ that moves to the rhythm of Kristen’s orchestrations.
Is that Xanadu? Well for me it is because without this class my athleticism is just a memory. Now I get to go there two times a week if I don’t get shutout because my butt was in low gear. Tickets are scarce here don't waste an opportunity to ride into Xanadu.
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