I needed some fairy dust today just to pull through and in the end I made it with just enough energy to unclip and limp through the short and dirty version of the stretch. But let’s back up a bit and talk about today’s ride.
KG has added Tabata into our training, which consists of 8 sets of 20-second intervals at maximum effort with 10-second pullbacks. These are daunting to say the least and I cannot even think about counting how many are left, as I have to stay within each one lest I fall back in the effort at hand. There are the breakaways, and breathless intervals but Tabata takes the former two to another dimension, The Outer Limits.
I continue to be amazed how attracted I am almost magnetically to the new ritual in my life. It is of course not for the faint of heart and if it were not for the marathon training that consumed my life 30 years ago I do not know if I spin the whole hour. Desire is not enough you have to go beyond desire because desire gets tired and gives up readily when faced with being uncomfortable. It’s a hunger because hunger can never be sated unless its satisfied. Desire doesn’t breathe heavy enough (not in the CS anyway) but hunger is a kind of force that has to be reckoned with.
These are killer sessions because if anyone else is up in #41 we might be able to B.S. (and that is not Bachelor of Science) our way through. But you just can’t because when you watch Kristen she is not lollygagging her way through she is kicking her own posterior. And being witness to that we have to ask ourselves how can we have the audacity not to kick ours? That is why we are here not only to train our bodies but our minds as well and in these spinning sessions I have rediscovered myself, my energy, my drive and how I seize the day. And when I encounter challenges that follow in the day they all seem like a paper cup ready to be crushed.
Come on Tinkerbelle get off your buttocks and gun it.
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