Back for more Tabata today and I heard from her microphone that this would not be an anaerobic workout. A sense of relief cascaded over my creaky form. But no sooner did 5 minutes elapse, and I was gasping for air like a man going down for the third time in the pool.
Most of the class is female and I have to say they are in monster shape because I was a half beat behind each set and they seemed to move rhythmically like clockwork and if I was a watch the sweep hand would be stuck on 12. However, I did spy one male in the corner that provided me some solace as his movement hardly matched Joel Grey’s. However most of these athletes seemed not to have even broken a sweat while yours truly had a salt-water pool making my footing treacherous.
This class ended again with my hands folded in prayer but I think I might need a novena next time.
Swing like a pendulum, my watch is just a little slow.
P.S. Kristen was changing octaves today and it got my mind off my discomfort because it does have some sort of ameliorating affect on me.
ReplyDeletePleasure meeting you in class on Friday. I generally prefer to work out first thing after morning chores, but the 11 o'clock spin was a welcome change. Indeed, Kristen's instruction is unique. We are fortunate to have such a skilled teacher. My blog, www.bonnieslifechanges.blogspot.com, deals with a variety of issues, including the impact participation in this training program has positively impacted my life.
See you in class.
ReplyDeleteLikewise I'm sure. Kristen is very easy to write about mainly because she inspires me each time. I will add you on my list as soon as I visit your site. See you in class Bonnie.