Much to my chagrin these bikes had the sophisticated computer on board that had me understanding a number of things that I wish I were not made aware of, not just yet anyway. It was not bad enough to know that I had no idea what RPM’s I spin at, but it was also disheartening to find out that my pedal stroke is not smooth either. However by the end of the ride my RPM’s were not as erratic as when I first started. Must have been good coaching.
The energy was different as well. Kristen can carry a room but even she needs feedback and I must tell you children that a morgue was louder than this place. And at one point with her onboard computer she said there are about a dozen of you that do not have enough road on. We never hear that in Woodbury. Well to be fair we don’t have the computers yet dummy.
In any case I am glad I came. Just a side note and I had to smile to myself when the instructor said: Ride with all your passion. I thought to myself passion? I left that for dead on the spinning room floor about a ½ hour ago, because if I pushed any harder I would have lost the lunch I had yesterday.
And to top the day off I tried the complimentary ½ hour of 30=MCS that Equinox is featuring (a little play on Einstein’s theory of E=MC2). With a young man named Richard Bianco and I described to him my weight workout routines on my alternate days and he said I had a limited tool box and by the time I got done with this rigorous workout I realized he was right, I have a hammer and a screw driver not very effective tools for building my infrastructure of fitness. I signed up for the 8 ½ hour sessions. I will let you know my progress.
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