What I was able to accomplish was work on my pedal stroke as I try to make it smoother and secondly to create just enough drag on my resistance to be able to find a working RPM that was challenging yet didn’t have me in the anaerobic state the entire class. That has been part of my problem as I slowly learn this craft of spinning. I have never doubted my passion or if you will the athlete inside me. There would have been no 17 marathons had I not had this internal resolve within the core of my being. Unearthing the ability however, after so many years of exercise that hardly qualified as intensive training has been my biggest challenge.
My cardiologist tells me that my marathon running had enlarged my left ventricle at the expense of the weaker sister the right. The right as Carolyn Mellace educated me is where all the electrical activity occurs. Which at times goes haywire to the tune of 180 BPM standing still. This is why my A-fibrillation has me out of breath by 130 BPM. Why am I telling you this? (TMI) Maybe because you or someone you know has this somewhat vexing problem of going up a flight of stairs and being out of breath. With so much time logged in at our club I would have thought I was past this but no, I have to live with this benign malady.
Back to my off site report and I have to tell you and of course I knew that no one could come close to KG but Judy did her best in her repertoire of exhortations and it seemed to satisfy the suburban population that made up this class of about 25 spinners. There were too many Woo’s to my liking but I have to resist being smug when I am with a world-class trainer back at Woodbury along with the rest of us.
P.S. My wife (bless her angel heart) asked me if I told Kristen I would be in Florida. I laughed and told her I am merely the reporter for Kristen’s Spin Class not her confidant. However she seems to have gotten the flavor of the passion I share with you all, as she has been my sounding board for each and every entry.
P.P.S. At the baggage counter this weekend the skycap asked me how much change I wanted from my 20-dollar bill? (God do I hate that) So I replied nicely: Why don’t you give it to me and I will tell you. I put him in a trance with that retort and before he could come out of it he had a 5 spot in his hand and I felt pretty cool as I have always wanted to thwart some of these new age bad manners that have overtaken the country. That along with after one says thank you the recipient replies “No problem” What happened to “Your welcome”. I will get down from my soapbox now my friends.
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