If you were in the 945 AM class yesterday we got an unexpected treat: Kristen off the bike and doing a stand up routine that had me feeling self-conscious at first but as the class went on I started to appreciate and enjoy her gesticulations as only she can perform them. Her passion reminds me of me as she is deeply embedded in her craft. She loves what she does and God does it show! The authenticity she exudes is unparalleled. It would be so easy for her as the physical specimen she is to just go through the motions but not our KG.
Let us not forget that we need to acknowledge her if not for her as a person (I almost said woman) but for the excellence she hands out to us on a silver platter. There is no one I know of that is more excited about what they do than she.
I loved it when she said to one of the female riders to get dirty and sweat. After all it is the very nature of the class that what we are trying to do is look good outside the studio and that is one of the reasons why we are here. But we can allow ourselves to look wet and disheveled as much as we want because no one will do a double take on us inside. For those of you that have hair, you have to let your hair down and for those of us like yours truly I have to feel comfortable with my mouth agape trying to suck in as much air into my lungs so I can keep up with all of you pros.
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