I want to make spinning part of my health regimen and I just think that it makes so much sense in terms of what you can accomplish in the space of 45 minutes or if our intestinal fortitude is up for it, the 60-minute version. For me it’s the undiscovered country. I love the idea that you can take it to the limit and then be able to face the day with this kind of a workout under your belt. Those marathon days are gone but I can live on the edge once again in KG’s class.
The hard part for me is not craning my neck to the clock behind me to see what the elapsed time is at least for the first 15 minutes. Dontcha love it when Kristen says: "Just 20 more minutes, that’s NOTHING!”. Well it might be No Thing to you Ms. Olympia but 20 minutes takes on monumental proportions especially with the amount of ‘road’ I have on the bike. Kidding aside I just love this class and in some bizarre way I used to dread my trips to the gym at times when I worked maybe half as hard. Now I am excited again. It’s a cool thing especially for this old man.
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