Here spinning takes over all the space in our head and there is no room for the clutter of yesterday’s events or what lies before us projecting how we would like our day to go. So in a very real sense we can practice being in the now and take this parcel of time and sprinkle it throughout the rest of our day. Imagine how productive we can be in our lives focused on what we are doing 100% of the time. Can you imagine forgetting about trying to control people places or things and just being an active participant how effective our lives can become? Jack have you gone off the deep end here? I might be but it sure gives me something to think about. I hope it does for you.
Okay I am ready to go upstairs to the studio to be entertained and to take myself to the limit that exists only in my imagination.
Since only two of you read this when I first published it over 3 years ago I thought I would open it again
Since only two of you read this when I first published it over 3 years ago I thought I would open it again